Home / Testosterone / What your doctor didn’t tell you about cholesterol – Part 4

What your doctor didn’t tell you about cholesterol – Part 4

So this is another really fun topic to cover, and it’s the secrets and things that your doctor did not tell you about your cholesterol levels. For years now, we have been led to believe that having high cholesterol is a bad thing and eating dense food and cholesterol is a bad thing. The funny thing is that cholesterol is the building block of testosterone production. I know what you are thinking right now. I already told you that having a higher testosterone level prevents you from having heart disease.

How does that work if cholesterol increases your chance of getting heart disease? Well, it’s a bit complicated, but I will break it down right here. The truth about cholesterol is that there are two kinds of it. There is LDL cholesterol, which is bad cholesterol as it stands for low-density lipoprotein, and there is high-density lipoprotein HDL, as we call it, which is good cholesterol. Now, if you have higher LDL in your bloodstream, that’s bad cholesterol, and if that’s in your bloodstream. That can cause plaque on the walls of your arteries and eventually cause heart disease by a decrease in the blood and oxygen flow that your body can produce.

good cholesterol hdl bad cholesterol ldl

But the HDL is on the other hand, having a higher number in HDL is better, so we want a higher number of HDL cholesterol and a lower number when it comes to LDL cholesterol because HDL, those high-density lipoproteins, pull that bad cholesterol LDL cholesterol out of the bloodstream. So it prevents them from planking and building those blockades in the arteries so that your bloodstream and oxygen flow can work more efficiently and smoothly as they need to.

We will cover the foods later, some of the best foods you’ll be eating to increase your HDL levels and lower your LDL levels, so there is the truth behind cholesterol and testosterone production. And yes, this is what your doctor hasn’t been telling you about your cholesterol levels.  And no, I am not encouraging you to get a heart attack. That’s why I am here giving you this lesson on how cholesterol works, the different kinds of cholesterol, and how that affects your body. So take that for what It is.

We are going to be trying to increase our HDL and the lower LDL so we are going to get you in better cholesterol shape and better cholesterol health and overall health by increasing your testosterone and preventing some of these terrible conditions that we talked about that you could suffer from having low testosterone the conditions that we discussed at the beginning of this article so let’s get started. And I will give you a little bit of education on the foods that will increase that good cholesterol and decrease that bad cholesterol.

The best food for big testosterone

Guys, you can guess there is a lot of food you can eat and incorporate into your diet to increase your level of free testosterone in your system, and those foods are typically high in what we call omega-3 fatty acids.

You will find those in fish and nuts; red meat is also a great place to find them. Two things that are high in good cholesterol are what we are going to be focusing on in this section. You can do some research online regarding Omega 3-dense foods and include your favorite thing in your diet that will increase your level of HDL and good cholesterol and just some other food that is high in HDL.

Most people joke that you have to become a huge eater or huge fish eater and start eating a lot more seafood to increase the level of omega 3s in your system, and you don’t worry about it; you can use fish oil capsules and replace that part of your diet in case you are not a seafood fan, I know it’s either you love it, or you hate it. It’s kind of a deal when it comes to seafood. Before taking fish oil capsules, consult your doctor/nutritionist if you are already on some kind of medication.

The worst food for big testosterone

So, what kind of health instructor would I be serious if I told you about everything that would boost your cholesterol? But I failed to tell you about all the fearful, terrible things that are going to wreak havoc on your cholesterol levels and destroy your testosterone production. I would not be a good teacher or instructor, so I would give you a quick overview of the foods that will raise your bad cholesterol and lower your good cholesterol and HDL.

Our foods are high in saturated fats and trans fats, which are usually pretty complex when it comes to the ingredients’ construction.

You will find a lot of these in like candy bars donuts a lot of different processed foods like cereals and pastries and that kind of things.

So I have included a general list here of food items that you should stay away from to balance your cholesterol levels and keep that bad cholesterol that LDL low while keeping your HDL good cholesterol. It helps you build all that amazing testosterone high.  So make sure to keep this list in mind when choosing your testosterone-filled good cholesterol meals.

How to eat to take your testosterone to the next level

So, intermittent fasting is one method I have employed recently to help boost my testosterone and elevate my muscle gains. Don’t be scared when I say this. A lot of people are scared. The idea of fasting is like they are going to be starving. All they do is a simple principle; most of you may even be doing this naturally now and not realize it. Intermittent fasting can be as simple as skipping breakfast and eating lunch and dinner at a reasonable hour. Doing that can elevate men’s growth and natural growth hormone production up to 2000 percent.

Some tests have shown that what we know about growth hormone production from this series is it. It’s great for testosterone production in building muscle stapling there. And that’s also going to enhance your testosterone.  We talked about the cyclical effect that growth hormone and testosterone have on each other and stated that being leaner builds muscle mass and increases your production.

All I do is I usually eat lunch around 11 or noon and then don’t eat dinner around 7:00 or 8:00, so I use that eight-hour window there as my feeding period, and then what I will do I just won’t eat the next day until lunchtime, and I usually workout either before lunch or before dinner just depending on what my schedule allows. But that’s a great, simple, and effective way to increase your testosterone production.  It has also been proven to increase your longevity. It will help you focus on digestion and eliminate sugar cravings, and that’s great for fat loss.  We know that less body fat is great for testosterone production.

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